Saturday 14 December 2013

The (graphically) pleasing new cabinet of Merkel

In these hours, more and more names of the new German government get known. Time to present the vita of the established and probable ministers in a graphic - done so on the website of the German weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT. The different phases in the careers of the politicians are depicted in timelines, divided by the use of colours. This abstract graphic relinquishes any decoration and has a very simple, white background. Moving the mouse over the timelines invokes a pop-up with more detailled, partially redundant information of the politicians. This "outsourcing" of data in pop-ups ensures the graphic appears not too dense, but rather clear. The multiple dimensions of information are additionally grouped in several tabs, which is a usefool tool, but uses further redundancy because of the repeating timelines.

Graphic source:


  1. I really like the layout and structure of this infoggraphic. It is very clean, using only black and white except from the coloured lines (obviously), this adds to the understanding of the infographic as it draws the viewer's attention to what is important.

  2. i like this graphic in the way the images of the politicians are used to humanize the graphic. furthermore, the different use of colors, especially the plain and light color of the background and the use of warm colors in the front which highlight the timeline, keeps me focused on the details of each politician.

  3. Thank you both. I agree the limitation on only the necessary aspects and the reduction of used colours ensures the reader won't get distracted.
